“A Christmas of Friendship and Forgiveness” – Children Craft Heartwarming Christmas Play with Innovation and Creativity.
This Christmas season, our school was treated to an exceptional performance—a school play entirely conceived and created by a group of enthusiastic children: Neža Špiljak, Zoja Colnarič, Tit Novak, Bryan Nzalle, Eva Vodušek, Asja Hajnšek, Toni Jugovar, and Dominik Denk. What made this production extraordinary was their independent screenplay, crafted using their creativity and new tools, including the innovative assistance of ChatGPT.
These budding playwrights, Neža, Zoja, Tit, Bryan, Eva, Asja, Toni and Dominik, took charge of every aspect, from scripting the storyline to designing the stage settings. Their commitment to detail and their collaborative effort brought to life a captivating narrative, weaving the magic of Christmas throughout.
Not stopping at the screenplay, these young minds curated a music selection that perfectly complemented their storytelling, transforming the school stage into a magical world for their audience. Their decision to gift this play to their fellow schoolmates amplified the festive cheer and left everyone enchanted.
This achievement stands as a testament to the incredible potential of our kids, and the power of fostering creativity in the classroom. Their initiative, coupled with the support of their teacher, mentor Nina, resulted in a performance that warmed our hearts and filled us with joy.
Looking forward, we anticipate more collaborations and innovative projects as we continue to nurture the creative spirit within our students. This heartfelt Christmas gift from these talented young actors and creators embodies the spirit of collaboration and imaginative exploration, paving the way for more memorable endeavors in the future.
“Božič prijateljstva in odpuščanja” – otroci so z inovativnostjo in ustvarjalnostjo uprizorili prisrčno božično igro.
V letošnjem božičnem času je bila naša šola deležna izjemne predstave – šolske predstave, ki jo je v celoti zasnovala in ustvarila skupina navdušenih otrok: Neža Špiljak, Zoja Colnarič, Tit Novak, Bryan Nzalle, Eva Vodušek, Asja Hajnšek, Toni Jugovar in Dominik Denk. Kar je naredilo to produkcijo izjemno, je bil njihov neodvisni scenarij, oblikovan z njihovo ustvarjalnostjo in novimi orodji, vključno s pomočjo ChatGPT.
Ti nadobudni dramatiki, Neža, Zoja, Tit, Bryan, Eva, Asja, Toni in Dominik, so prevzeli vse, od scenarija zgodbe do oblikovanja odrskih postavitev. Njihova zavezanost detajlom in skupna prizadevanja so oživela očarljivo pripoved, ki je popestrila božično čarobnost decembra.
Ne da bi se ustavili pri scenariju, so ti mladi umi pripravili glasbeni izbor, ki je odlično dopolnjeval pripovedovanje zgodbe in spremenil šolski oder v čarobni svet za občinstvo. Njihova odločitev, da to predstavo podarijo svojim sošolcem, je popestrila praznično veselje in vse navdušila.
Ta dosežek je dokaz neverjetnega potenciala naših otrok in moči spodbujanja ustvarjalnosti v razredu. Njihova pobuda je ob podpori učiteljice, mentorice Nine Hajnšek, rodila predstavo, ki nam je ogrela srca in nas navdala z veseljem.
V prihodnosti pričakujemo več sodelovanja in inovativnih projektov, saj bomo še naprej negovali ustvarjalni duh v naših učencih. To prisrčno božično darilo nadarjenih mladih igralcev in ustvarjalcev uteleša duh sodelovanja in domiselnega raziskovanja ter utira pot nepozabnim prizadevanjem v prihodnosti.